The city of Ahsilshire was renowned throughout the land for it's magical academy and it's plainer gate, which allowed the people to pass freely from one plain to anther, has housed the elements for time beyond record. Light and Darkness, Fire and Water, Earth and Air, held in perfect balance by the powerful magic of the High Elves. All knew of Ahsilshire; it supported the plane-walkers and kept the realms connected. Good and evil alike vested interest in the maintaining of the gate, in keeping the elements.
But Chaos upset the balance, and the element began to unsettle within the gate. Plain-walkers would disappear and not reappear on the other side. Or they would reappear but changed beyond recognition. The High elf mages, fearing these anomalies to be the foretelling of catastrophe, began to construct alternate homes for each of the elements. These icons were blessed and prepared, but not in time. The gate collapsed, with several inside, sundering souls and ripping life-forces from the fabric of their home plains.
The realms divided, and those on either side were trapped. Many within Ahsilshire died; those that escaped did so carrying with them the terrible tale, and dire warnings. Those elements that were not contained, were flung out across the plains, uncontrolled, dangerous, seeking the power and recognition solely for the gods before.
To their followers, to those that served or protected them, they promised strength and victory. Battle lust, like a fever spread wide across the realms, dividing loyalties and collapsing towns. Entire plains were consumed in a mater of days for others, the end was not so quick to come...
Nyrrone, a plain that even at the height of balance had never been at peace. Perhaps it was ironic that the wars that had torn at it for centuries had made it all the more prepared to survive the influx of evil, marauding horde, or holy self-important warrior with an agenda among the masses of rouges and riffraff that move from brackish Freetown to Freetown. Their Ahsilshire, the version of the High elf fortress, which existed in Nyrrone, was reduced to ruins, and soon infested with vile and disgusting creatures. Only the foolish or the overly brave dared to tread there after the collapse.
A shot distance away, less than a week by foot from the smoking husk of Ahsilshire, was a small Freetown called Covshire. Covshire was unnoticed by many, entrenched by Wood elf territory sprawled out along the bank of a tiny lake. Trouble was as commonplace here as anywhere else in Nyrrone; those that gather here rarely did so on their own free will. It's one redeeming quality- it was the optimal place to hide.
The gods played their power game in Covshire, tossing the inhabitants into the brunt of a godlike war. Those that knew of the gate's history sought to join forces, to gain control of the elements once more, and construct a new plainer gate, restoring balance, and linking the realms again. They found allies in those that had been stranded from their home plains; they found enemies in those that saw more to be gained in battle, and in the promotion of their worshipped element, or in those that saw no reason to allow strangers back into their own realm. Conflict was inescapable...